Only love can stop war

Only love can change people’s hearts

The message of unity and peace must reach people’s hearts. Only love can change us at the level of the heart. Only love can end conflicts, violence and war. 

Love is the only oneness. In love oneness is felt. Bodies remain many. But something beyond the bodies merges and becomes one. This Oneness that descends from beyond is the essence of man – it is the consciousness in man that is of the same essence in all human beings. We are all connected to each other by this unseen force of consciousness. We are already one at level of consciousness. The consciousness that exists in the human being, when it merges with its source through love, becomes part of the Ocean of All-Consciousness, which is the same as God. We are already One. We have only forgotten.

To put an end to all conflicts, violence and wars, we must be a source of love, an overflowing fountain of love. This is the meaning of being human.

All human respond to love 

Every human being has a heart that responds to love. Even the toughest fighter and warrior has a heart that can be touched and even changed by the power of love.

If you don’t believe this, just look at the example of the toughest fighters in the world, like Mike Tyson, the most feared boxer in the world. He is famous for being ruthless and feared in the ring for his extreme violence, but he has a heart. We only have to reach people’s hearts to touch that aspect of human life. When we touch people’s hearts, the quality of love is already there.

In interviews with Mike Tyson, when the interviewer mentions Mike’s trainer and lifelong friend Cus D’Amato, who adopted Mike when his mother died, Mike becomes emotional and tears begin to flow. The tears come from love as his heart is touched and his heart begins to overflow with love for his friend.

See video below when Tyson becomes emotional:

Tears indicate that the heart overflows

There is a subtle connection between eyes and the heart. Tear glands are located in the eyes. Heart responds to every circumstance, situation, etc. There are moments when heart fails to absorb all that comes towards it. In such a situation tear are released to express totally. Therefore, tears may arise out of joy or sadness. Tears are mere expression. They are neutral.

Everyone has a heart that can be touched by love

There is a heart in every human being that can be reached and touched by love. Everyone has a heart, even the toughest fighters and warriors in the world. It is only a matter of reaching out to their hearts and then peace and understanding will be there.

Anger and violence are the result of an absence of love

Anger and violence are the result of an absence of love. Tyson had no contact with his biological father. Throughout his childhood, Tyson lived in and around high-crime neighbourhoods. There was no love in such an atmosphere.

Almost every cruel dictator in the world had a bad childhood. Adolf Hitler was beaten by his father as a child, his brother died as a child and his father died when he was 13. Joseph Stalin was beaten by his father, who was an alcoholic. Mao Zedong was beaten by his father and bullied by others at school. Saddam Hussein’s mother tried to have an abortion and attempted suicide when she was pregnant. His father died before he was born and his stepfather beat him regularly. He ran away from home at the age of 10. Neither of them had received any love as children. Have you ever seen Hitler or Stalin smile? No, they did not. They were not happy at the level of the heart, because they never felt loved.

So anger and violence are the result of an absence of love.

Therefore the only remedy is Love. All conflicts will drop when love blossoms.

Love is the root cause of inner harmony and outer peace

The change of the human consciousness happens when the heart is change, and the heart change when the angle of vision is changed. Heart is touched and changes by love and right understanding. So the remedies to all the problem of the world is of two kinds (love and right understanding), which both will affect and change the heart of people. 

First is Love. Practical living the principles of Love will affect the people around you. Give love and love will be developed in the other.

Preaching only goes to the heart from such people who talk from the abundance of their heart, from what they are. The arrow that is driven to the breast goes to the target. What comes from the level of the mouth of the intellect, words with so many sermons and lectures and so many books, can have little or no effect. And those are given only from the level of, if I may use the word, belly. How can they help? They are not after the real things.

Everything in this world is connected with each other. The force that connects everything together is called love. It is only love that can unite us despite all the external differences. When true love is here, unity can exist on the human level and hopefully peace can be maintained in the world.

How does unity arise? Two things are of great importance: one is love, and the second is non-violence. These two are the two most important things of our life. Love and non-violence are one and the same. One who is non-violent will not criticize anybody, he has no fear, and he is very broad-hearted. One who bears this love will also be nonviolent. In fact, these two qualities are the same, we cannot differentiate. They are the main force in the world. If these two qualities are put together in the world, then unity is there. This unity exists already, but due to (losing) these two qualities, we have forgotten it.

Right Understanding

Secondly, give right understanding and other will be touched by the right understanding.

A change of human consciousness will be achieved if we give right understanding to the people at large, which will result in right thoughts.

First comes understanding; then come right thoughts, which result in right speech, and right speech will result in right actions. The whole thing starts from right understanding.

One of the main problem the causing all the external conflicts is that we identify with external labels (of nationality and religion etc.) to the extent that we cannot see that all human beings belong to one family of human beings. It creates division, tension and conflict between people of different faiths and nationalities. It is narrow-mindedness to believe that we are these external labels, thus dividing people into “us” and “them”, instead of understanding that we are all members of the same family of humanity, born with the same rights and privileges.

People say they are Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians and so on.  It is strange because I thought they were all human beings. Are they not? In conflict, people tend to strengthen their identity with their own group, reinforce the differences between their own group and other groups, and dehumanise other groups of people. When people stop seeing other people as human beings, the most terrible acts are possible. This happens when we divide people into ‘us’ and ‘them’ and fail to understand that we all belong to the same family of humanity. 

We must use our intellect to see through the false identification of the outer labels (which divide man into different groups based on creed, nationality, etc.) and try to understand that we are all members of the same family of humanity, born with the same rights and privileges. We are not the outer labels; but we are human beings.

So you will find right understanding first lies in recognizing that there is a Maker of the universe who is the Controlling Power and permeates all creation. This world did not come out of itself; there is a Maker, and scientists lately have come to this conclusion, that the whole creation is controlled by some Power which is conscious.

So this is the first thing: the whole world is the manifestation of God, no East and no West, the earth below and the sky overhead is His manifestation.

So this is the first right understanding: We are living in Him, have our being in Him, He is in us, outside us, above us, below us. Like fish we have our existence in Him. That is right understanding.

And further: God made man with equal privileges, all born the same way, no high, no low; all have got the same outer construction – eyes, ears, etc., – and all have the same inner construction: we are kept in the body by some higher Power which is the same for all. So this is right understanding: that we have this thing – God resides in every heart – and that all is holy where devotion kneels, all are born with the same privileges from God – no high, no low, no East, no West. And this will result in right thoughts.

It is said, that `East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.’ But there is no East and no West: the whole creation is the House of our Father. All countries are so many rooms in that House. It is we who made these things, on account of our want of right understanding. So this is one thing; if you have this understanding, what will be the result?

Your whole angle of vision will be changed; you will see that we are all children of God, the same Father. The true Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man will be cemented. So this is what I mean by spiritual revolution – from Godlessness.

Right understanding leads to right thoughts, right words and right actions, which in turn leads to transformation of the human consciousness.

Only love and true living will have impact on others 

There must be unity between thought, feeling, speech and action. There must be unity within you and this must be in harmony with your outward words and actions in order to have an impact on others.

The words that come from the heart of a man have an effect on other people. It comes through radiation. There is no need to speak; the whole thing is done through radiation. Gandhi Ji and others like him who lived up to their ideals – their ordinary words had great impact on the listeners. Today our words have no effect. We give recitations from the scriptures and talk learnedly, without effect.

Impact on others comes from the unity of thought and action. This will happen when there is no conflict between our thoughts, speech, and actions. Heart speaks to heart; words spoken from the depth of the heart will move the heart of the listener.

So if we speak with a true heart there will be radiation; it will have its effect on others. It is a question of charging. The words may be the same as used by others, but they will have charging in them. Unless we live up to what we preach, our words will have no effect on others.

To put the whole thing in a nutshell: if we wish to see all mankind become man in the true sense, we should start with our own self; we should become men first. What is an ideal man? He is an embodiment of love; he has realized himself and knows that God lives in all human beings; he sees the Light of God immanent in every form. He who sees that Light manifest in all will naturally have love and respect for everyone; he will like to serve all; he will not cheat or exploit anyone.

Non-violence, love and tolerance

How does unity arise? Two things are of great importance: one is love, and the second is non-violence. These two are the two most important things of our life.