Peace on Earth is a possibility…

… when people realise that all human beings belong to the same family of humanity, regardless of the different man-made labels of nationality, religion or race

Founder of Unity of Man
Founder Kirpal Singh in the centre, surrounded by Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur, who were given the mission to spread the message of Unity of Man.

Founder Kirpal Singh in the centre, surrounded by Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur, who were given the mission to spread the message of Unity of Man.

Unity of Man

Unity of Man is a worldwide movement whose aim is to reveal that God exists in each one of us, regardless of the various man-made labels of race, religion or nationality. When humanity understands that God exists in the heart of every human being, it will raise the consciousness of humanity and bring about a change in people’s hearts and fill the human heart with compassion, mercy and universal love which should radiate to all countries, nations and people of the world and create world peace.

In this way, the entire human society can be reformed. If the ideal of unity is accepted and adopted in daily life it will spread like a wild fire burning all hatred, enmity, separation, duality and egoism. What will be prevail is unity. 

Unity exists, but we have forgotten.

We are all members of one family under the fatherhood of God
As souls we are of the same essence as that of God. We are all children of God. We are all brothers and sisters in God.

Unity already exists: as man—born in the same way, with the same privileges from God; and as soul—a drop of the Ocean of All Consciousness called God, Whom we worship by various names; but we have forgotten this Unity. The lesson has only to be revived.

The purpose of our human life
MAN, the highest rung of all creation, is basically the same everywhere. All men are born the same way, receive all the bounties of nature in a similar manner, have the same inner and outer construction, and are controlled in the physical body by the same God Power, called by different names in different religions.

To be born and die is not the true reasons why this creation came into being.  A higher purpose lies in the human birth. To become conscious that we are something higher.  We are souls, conscious beings, of the same essence as the highest consciousness called God. We are not two separate beings. God and soul are the same. God lives within us.

As souls we are brothers and sisters in unity with God and with each other. We have just forgotten.

As man we are brothers and sisters because the same God dwells in the heart of all people. Love all, serve all, and have respect for all, as God is immanent in all forms.

If God dwells in every heart, how can we hate others? It is like hating God. 

When man understands that God dwells in every heart, then he must show humanity to all human beings, irrespective of the external labels of nationality and religion. Since God is in every human being (in the form of our consciousness, which is of the same nature as God), we must respect all human beings. All human beings are equal because the same God exists in all human beings. People give respect to God. When people understand that God lives in every human heart, then they must respect every human being. It is like the teaching of Jesus: Love God and love your neighbour as yourself (for God resides in all).

Along with the understanding of the universal brotherhood of man comes the factor of love, compassion, respect and concern for the needs and welfare of others.

Jesus said (Matthew 22:37 – 22:39),
Jesus replied: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Sant Kirpal Singh said,
To fill the human heart with compassion, mercy and universal love, which should radiate to all countries, nations and people of the world. To make a true religion of the heart as the ruling factor in one’s life. To enable each one to love God, love all, serve all, and have respect for all, as God is immanent in all forms. My goal is that of oneness. I spread the message of oneness in life and living. This is the way to peace on earth. This is the mission of my life, and I pray that it may be fulfilled.”

World Conference on Unity of Man 1974

The 1974 World Conference on Unity on Man brought together religious and political leaders from many different religions and countries. It is the first of its kind, as Kirpal said, since the time of Ashoka. While conferences at the level of religions have been held many times and in many places, this was the only time in modern history that people were brought together at the level of man – without labels interfering. Read more at the following link:

India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi with Sant Kirpal Singh during the World Conference on Unity of Man 1974

Sant Kirpal Singh during the World Conference on Unity of Man 1974

UN World Conference on Human Rights

Dr. Harbhajan Singh at the UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, June 1993. Dr. Harbhajan Singh had the privilege to address the plenary session of the State Conference. His talk is available by clicking here 

Mrs. Corazon Aquino, Former President of the Philippines and Dr. Harbhajan Singh

Dr. Harbhajan Singh and Mikhail Gorbachev, the last President of the Soviet Union

Man Centre – Kirpal Sagar is a project for the world

Kirpal Sagar a place for Man-making, Man-service, and Land-service. 

 It is a place for all – containing the symbols of the world’s 4 major religions

Kirpal Sagar is a human centre with all facilities for human development on the level of body, intellect and soul. Its various facilities like the hospital, schools, old age home, library and the Sarovar are designed to help man in all aspects: physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Read more at the following link:

The Golden Age approaches …

The Golden Age is approaching, but it will not come until the consciousness of humanity has risen. When the Golden Age arrives, there will be peace on earth.

Although there have been so many social, economic, religious, and political revolutions in the world, the problems remain the same. Why? Because the problems of the world are not of religious, political, social or economic nature, but the problem is of a spiritual nature.

The problems of the world are that man has forgotten his spiritual origin and therefore does not understand that all human beings are members of the same family. Because of this forgetfulness, man has created a false identification that his origin is in his nationality, religion, race, social status, family name, and other outer man-made labels. It is an illusion that the human mind has created and through which man has forgotten the unity between man.

The solution must be to raise human consciousness, by understanding that all human beings have the same origin, and belong to the same family, and have the same privileges and rights before God, so that man can transcend the destructive states of the human mind, which cause the problems of the world.

As man we are brothers and sisters because the same God dwells in the heart of all human beings. God is immanent in all forms.

“Right Understanding” what it is and why it is important

The world is already in revolution; but this revolution should be different. This revolution should not be of the body, but against the evil propensities of the mind which keep us away from God. This will be achieved if we give right understanding to the people at large, which will result in right thoughts.

First comes understanding; then come right thoughts, which result in right speech, and right speech will result in right actions. The whole thing starts from right understanding.

So you will find right understanding first lies in recognizing that there is a Maker of the universe who is the Controlling Power and permeates all creation. This world did not come out of itself; there is a Maker, and scientists lately have come to this conclusion, that the whole creation is controlled by some Power which is conscious.

So this is the first thing: the whole world is the manifestation of God, no East and no West, the earth below and the sky overhead is His manifestation.

So this is the first right understanding: We are living in Him, have our being in Him, He is in us, outside us, above us, below us. Like fish we have our existence in Him. That is right understanding.

And further: God made man with equal privileges, all born the same way, no high, no low; all have got the same outer construction – eyes, ears, etc., – and all have the same inner construction: we are kept in the body by some higher Power which is the same for all. So this is right understanding: that we have this thing – God resides in every heart – and that all is holy where devotion kneels, all are born with the same privileges from God – no high, no low, no East, no West. And this will result in right thoughts.

It is said, that `East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.’ But there is no East and no West: the whole creation is the House of our Father. All countries are so many rooms in that House. It is we who made these things, on account of our want of right understanding. So this is one thing; if you have this understanding, what will be the result?

Your whole angle of vision will be changed; you will see that we are all children of God, the same Father. The true Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man will be cemented. So this is what I mean by spiritual revolution – from Godlessness.

Right understanding leads to right thoughts, right words and right actions, which in turn leads to transformation of the human consciousness.

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.”
 Albert Einstein

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
 Dalai Lama

A change of heart is needed …

To achieve “right understanding”, we need to change our whole angle of vision to see things from the right perspective of life. We need to understand the universal principles or “laws of life”. Understanding these universal principles from the right perspective is called ‘right understanding’, which is in harmony with the universal laws. Achieving “right understanding” is the first step in changing one’s heart.

Peace should start from our heart …
Is that possible to end all war and achieve world peace?

Yes, indeed it is possible. But it will not happen as long as man is not changed from within! It is so because human consciousness has not yet transcended beyond the narrow boundaries of cast, creed, religion, nation, body, mind, intellect, ideologies, and various conditionings. There is no harmony and oneness within. Then there can be no harmony in the outer world either.

Man has to be changed from inside, not from outside.

Sant Kirpal Singh said
The governments can control the bodies of men, but cannot do man-making – until the hearts and minds change, the world situation cannot change. Change must come from within. As I told you already, ‘Out of the abundance of his heart a man speaks.’ The very words he utters are charged with love. Whatever comes from the heart, that goes to the hearts of the people. This is the sole work of really spiritual men and not sectarian, who are to do this job, without which no government can be fully successful.”

Dalai Lama said,
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”

Immanuel Kant told,
For peace to reign on earth, humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first.”

Non-violence, love and tolerance

Everything in this world is connected with each other. The force that connects everything together is called love. It is only love that can unite us despite all the external differences. When true love is here, unity can exist at the human level and hopefully peace can be maintained in the world.

How does unity arise? Two things are of great importance: one is love, and the second is non-violence. These two are the two most important things of our life. Love and non-violence are one and the same. One who is non-violent will not criticize anybody, he has no fear, and he is very broad-hearted. One who bears this love will also be nonviolent. In fact, these two qualities are the same, we cannot differentiate. They are the main force in the world. If these two qualities are put together in the world, then unity is there. This unity exists already, but due to (losing) these two qualities, we have forgotten it.

A war was stopped

The article “The Invention God Stopped” by Marshall Zaslove, published in The American Legion Magazine, December 1983, is available by clicking here


Dr. Harbhajan Singh – Founder Chairman Kirpal Sagar – read more at the following link:

Sant Kirpal Singh
– Founder of Unity of Man – read more at the following link:

Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur

Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur, were given the mission to spread the message of Unity of Man.

Interviews with Dr. Harbhajan Singh:

To watch the interviews with Dr Harbhajan Singh, please click on the link below:

Film about Unity of Man

Film about the history of Unity of Man and Kirpal Sagar, please click on the link below:

Sant Kirpal Singh’s Last Circular Letter on  Unity of Man:

All mankind is one!

The following poem by the Iranian poet Saadi, which adorns the gate at the entrance to the United Nations building in New York, is a kind of official motto of the UN and also sums up the message of Unity of Man:

All human beings are members of one frame, Since all, at first, from the same essence came. When time afflicts a limb with pain The other limbs at rest cannot remain. If thou feel not for other’s misery A human being is no name for thee.”